Current Announcements

Current Announcements

 Mon, 12. Aug. 2024   Lauber, Alexander

Seminar WT 2024/2025 at the Chair of Finance

Dear students, In the winter term 2024/2025 we offer our English language Master Seminar "Selected Topics in Empirical Capital Market Research" on the following general topic: „Earnings Calls in Finance Research...
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 Mon, 12. Aug. 2024   Lauber, Alexander

Fachseminar WS 2024/2025 am Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung

Liebe Studierende, im Wintersemester 2024/2025 bieten wir unser deutschsprachiges Bachelor Seminar „Finanzwirtschaft“ zu folgendem Generalthema an: „Saisonalität in Aktienrenditen“ (Literaturarbeit) In diesem...
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 Mon, 12. Feb. 2024   Adler-Dinglinger, Heike

Latex template for term papers/thesis

Dear students, from now on there is a LaTeX template in our Moodle course "Scientific Work at the Chair of Finance" for writing seminar papers and theses at our chair. This LaTeX template can be used via Overleaf...
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 Fri, 09. Feb. 2024   Lauber, Alexander

Moodlecourse & registration for final thesis/seminar paper

Dear students, since the summer term 2020 we offer the Moodlecourse "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Finanzierung". In this course you will find all information for writing your seminar / bachelor / master thesis...
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 Thu, 08. Feb. 2024   Adler-Dinglinger, Heike

Enrollment key of the courses/Moodle

Dear students, to access the material of your course, please log in with your university ID and password. To do this, please go to the page of courses (ST2024) on our homepage, your desired course and scroll to the bottom of...
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Campus Impression